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Comparatif : le bon complément alimentaire pour baisser mon cholestérol
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Le cholestérol, et en particulier celui souvent nommé “mauvais cholestérol” (LDL cholestérol), est automatiquement assimilé au risque cardiovasculaire. Bien que cette relation soit parfois remise en cause par quelques chercheurs, les recommandations actuelles et la grande majorité de la communauté scientifique restent en faveur du maintien d’un taux de cholestérol normal. Le régime méditerranéen et les habitudes de vie saines sont certainement le meilleur remède, mais le recours aux compléments alimentaires peut parfois être nécessaire.
Attention, certains de leurs composants comme la levure de riz rouge ne sont pas anodins et d’autres peuvent se révéler inefficaces. Comparatif, guide d'achat, nous avons fait le point pour vous.
Guide d'achat :
Choisir un complément alimentaire contre le cholestérol
Notre sélection pour lutter contre le cholestérol :
Notre avis : Cardiol - Santé Verte
Notre avis : Bakol Fort - Arkopharma
Notre avis : Ergystérol - Nutergia
Notre avis : Acotys - Léro
Notre avis : Coracol - Pileje
Notre avis : Lipostérol - 3C Pharma
Notre avis : Arterin Fort - Omega Pharma
Nos critères de notations
La composition
Nous avons réuni un grand nombre d’études cliniques concernant tous les actifs rencontrés lors de la réalisation du comparatif. Il a ainsi été possible d’évaluer l’efficacité potentielle de chaque actif. Nous avons accordé une attention particulière au risque de survenue d’effets secondaires, les spécialités à base de levures de riz rouge et de phytostérols étant fréquemment décriées.
Le bon usage
Nous avons notamment comparé ici la posologie du complément alimentaire ainsi que la clarté et la quantité d'informations disponibles sur le conditionnement (dosage précis des actifs, précautions d’emploi…)
Le prix
Comme toujours, il est un des éléments le plus important pour le consommateur. Nous avons relevé le prix de chaque complément alimentaire de notre comparatif dans 15 pharmacies et parapharmacies physiques ou en ligne.
Nos sources
1. Regression or reduction in progression of atherosclerosis, and avoidance of coronary events, with lovastatin in patients with or at high risk of cardiovascular disease : a review. Frisinghelli A, Mafrici A. 2007
2. Red yeast rice for dyslipidemia in statin-intolerant patients: a randomized trial. Becker DJ, Gordon RY, Halbert SC, French B, Morris PB, Rader DJ. 2009
3. Lipid-lowering efficacy of red yeast rice in a population intolerant to statins. Venero CV, Venero JV, Wortham DC, Thompson PD. 2010
4. Effect of Xuezhikang, an extract from red yeast Chinese rice, on coronary events in a Chinese population with previous myocardial infarction. Lu Z, Kou W, Du B, Wu Y, Zhao S, Brusco OA, Morgan JM, Capuzzi DM; Chinese Coronary Secondary Prevention Study Group, Li S. 2008
5. Chinese red yeast rice (Monascus purpureus) for primary hyperlipidemia: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Liu J, Zhang J, Shi Y, Grimsgaard S, Alraek T, Fønnebø V. 2006
6. Myopathies associated with red yeast rice and liquorice: spontaneous reports from the Italian Surveillance System of Natural Health Products. Francesco Lapi, Eugenia Gallo, Sara Bernasconi, Michele Vietri, Francesca Menniti-Ippolito, Roberto Raschetti, Luigi Gori, Fabio Firenzuoli, Alessandro Mugelli, Alfredo Vannacci. 2008
7. Recommandations de l'agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail. 2016
8. Statins' effect on plasma levels of Coenzyme Q10 and improvement in myopathy with supplementation. Littlefield N, Beckstrand RL, Luthy KE. 2014
9. Effect of coenzyme Q10 supplementation on statin-induced myalgias. Bookstaver DA, Burkhalter NA, Hatzigeorgiou C. 2012
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15. Artichoke leaf extract (Cynara scolymus) reduces plasma cholesterol in otherwise healthy hypercholesterolemic adults : a randomized, double blind placebo controlled trial. Bundy R, Walker AF, Middleton RW, Wallis C, Simpson HC. 2008
16. Artichoke leaf extract for treating hypercholesterolaemia. Wider B, Pittler MH, Thompson-Coon J, Ernst E. 2009
17. Inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis in primary cultured rat hepatocytes by artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) extracts. Gebhardt R. 1998
18. Comparative effects of policosanol and two HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors on type II hypercholesterolemia. Prat H, Román O, Pino E. 1999
19. Effects of policosanol 20 versus 40 mg/day in the treatment of patients with type II hypercholesterolemia : a 6-month double-blind study. Castaño G, Mas R, Fernández L, Illnait J, Gámez R, Alvarez E. 2001
20. Comparison of the efficacy, safety and tolerability of original policosanol versus other mixtures of higher aliphatic primary alcohols in patients with type II hypercholesterolemia. Castaño G, Fernández L, Mas R, Illnait J, Fernández J, Mesa M, Alvarez E, Lezcay M. 2002
21. Policosanol: clinical pharmacology and therapeutic significance of a new lipid-lowering agent. Gouni-Berthold I, Berthold HK. 2002
22. Wheat germ policosanol failed to lower plasma cholesterol in subjects with normal to mildly elevated cholesterol concentrations. Lin Y, Rudrum M, van der Wielen RP, Trautwein EA, McNeill G, Sierksma A, Meijer GW. 2004
23. Effects of rice policosanol on serum lipoproteins, homocysteine, fibrinogen and C-reactive protein in hypercholesterolaemic patients. Reiner Z, Tedeschi-Reiner E, Romić Z. 2005
24. Lack of cholesterol-lowering efficacy of Cuban sugar cane policosanols in hypercholesterolemic persons. Kassis AN, Jones PJ. 2006
25. Policosanol is ineffective in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia: a randomized controlled trial. Dulin MF, Hatcher LF, Sasser HC, Barringer TA. 2006
26. Comparative lipid-lowering effects of policosanol and atorvastatin: a randomized, parallel, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Cubeddu LX, Cubeddu RJ, Heimowitz T, Restrepo B, Lamas GA, Weinberg GB. 2006
27. Changes in cholesterol kinetics following sugar cane policosanol supplementation : a randomized control trial. Kassis AN, Jones PJ. 2008
28. Sugar cane policosanol failed to lower plasma cholesterol in primitive, diet-resistant hypercholesterolaemia : a double blind, controlled study. Francini-Pesenti F, Brocadello F, Beltramolli D, Nardi M, Caregaro L. 2008
29. Effects of gamma-tocopherol supplementation on thrombotic risk factors. Singh I, Turner AH, Sinclair AJ, Li D, Hawley JA. 2007
30. Study on the effect of megavitamin E supplementation in man. Tsai A, Kelley J, Peng B, Cook N. 1978
31. Dose dependent elevation of plasma tocotrienol levels and its effect on arterial compliance, plasma total antioxidant status, and lipid profile in healthy humans supplemented with tocotrienol rich vitamin E. Rasool AH, Yuen KH, Yusoff K, Wong AR, Rahman AR. 2006
32. Antioxidant vitamins and their use in preventing cardiovascular disease. Farbstein D, Kozak-Blickstein A, Levy AP. 2010
33. Vitamins E and C in the prevention of cardiovascular disease in men : the Physicians' Health Study II randomized controlled trial. Sesso HD, Buring JE, Christen WG, Kurth T, Belanger C, MacFadyen J, Bubes V, Manson JE, Glynn RJ, Gaziano JM. 2008
34. Aliments enrichis en phytostérols : un bénéfice global sur la prévention des maladies cardiovasculaires non démontré. ANSES 2014
35. Efficacy and safety of plant stanols and sterols in the management of blood cholesterol levels. Katan MB, Grundy SM, Jones P, Law M, Miettinen T, Paoletti R. 2003
36. Cholesterol lowering effect of a soy drink enriched with plant sterols in a French population with moderate hypercholesterolemia. Weidner C, Krempf M, Bard JM, Cazaubiel M, Bell D. 2008
37. Plasma sitosterol elevations are associated with an increased incidence of coronary events in men: results of a nested case-control analysis of the Prospective Cardiovascular Münster (PROCAM) study. Assmann G, Cullen P, Erbey J, Ramey DR, Kannenberg F, Schulte H. 2006
38. Plasma levels of plant sterols and the risk of coronary artery disease: the prospective EPIC-Norfolk Population Study. Pinedo S,Vissers M, Von Bergmann K, Elharchaoui K,Lutjohann D, Luben R, Wareham N,Kastelein J, Khaw K, Matthijs Boekholdt S. 2007
39. Influence of quercetin supplementation on disease risk factors in community-dwelling adults. Knab AM, Shanely RA, Henson DA, Jin F, Heinz SA, Austin MD, Nieman DC. 2011
40. Long-term vitamin C supplementation has no markedly favourable effect on serum lipids in middle-aged Japanese subjects. Kim MK, Sasaki S, Sasazuki S, Okubo S, Hayashi M, Tsugane S. 2004
41. Regular ingestion of opuntia robusta lowers oxidation injury. Budinsky A, Wolfram R, Oguogho A, Efthimiou Y, Stamatopoulos Y, Sinzinger H. 2001
42. Prickly pear induces upregulation of liver LDL binding in familial heterozygous hypercholesterolemia. Palumbo B, Efthimiou Y, Stamatopoulos J, Oguogho A, Budinsky A, Palumbo R, Sinzinger H. 2003
43. Effect of prickly pear (Opuntia robusta) on glucose- and lipid-metabolism in non-diabetics with hyperlipidemia--a pilot study. Wolfram RM, Kritz H, Efthimiou Y, Stomatopoulos J, Sinzinger H. 2002
44. Proanthocyanidin-rich extract from grape seeds attenuates the development of aortic atherosclerosis in cholesterol-fed rabbits. Yamakoshi J, Kataoka S, Koga T, Ariga T. 1999
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46. Mediterranean alpha-linolenic acid-rich diet in secondary prevention of coronary heart disease. M de Lorgeril, S Renaud, P Salen, I Monjaud, N Mamelle, J.L Martin, J Guidollet, P Touboul, J Delaye. 1994
47. Effects of moderate-dose omega-3 fish oil on cardiovascular risk factors and mood after ischemic stroke : a randomized, controlled trial. Poppitt SD, Howe CA, Lithander FE, Silvers KM, Lin RB, Croft J, Ratnasabapathy Y, Gibson RA, Anderson CS. 2009
48. Effects of moderate-dose omega-3 fish oil on cardiovascular risk factors and mood after ischemic stroke. Terry A. Jacobson, Sara B. Glickstein, Jonathan D. Rowe, Paresh N. Soni. 2012
49. Effect on blood lipids and haemostasis of a supplement of cod-liver oil, rich in eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, in healthy young men. Sanders TA, Vickers M, Haines AP. 1981
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54. Effects of anethum graveolens and garlic on lipid profile in hyperlipidemic patients. Kojuri J, Vosoughi AR, Akrami M. 2007
55. Effect of garlic and fish-oil supplementation on serum lipid and lipoprotein concentrations in hypercholesterolemic men. Adler AJ, Holub BJ. 1997
56. A double-blind crossover study in moderately hypercholesterolemic men that compared the effect of aged garlic extract and placebo administration on blood lipids. Steiner M, Khan AH, Holbert D, Lin RI. 1996
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58. Plasma and hepatic cholesterol and hepatic activities of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase and acyl CoA : cholesterol transferase are lower in rats fed citrus peel extract or a mixture of citrus bioflavonoids. Bok SH, Lee SH, Park YB, Bae KH, Son KH, Jeong TS, Choi MS. 1999
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61. Vitamin D3 supplementation does not modify cardiovascular risk profile of adults with inadequate vitamin D status. Seibert E, Lehmann U, Riedel A2, Ulrich C, Hirche F, Brandsch C, Dierkes J, Girndt M, Stangl GI. 2015
62. Vitamin D supplementation enhances the beneficial effects of weight loss on cardiovascular disease risk markers. Zittermann A, Frisch S, Berthold HK, Götting C, Kuhn J, Kleesiek K, Stehle P, Koertke H, Koerfer R. 2009
63. Systematic review : Vitamin D and calcium supplementation in prevention of cardiovascular events. Wang L, Manson JE, Song Y, Sesso HD. 2010
64. The effect of polyphenols in olive oil on heart disease risk factors : a randomized trial. Covas MI, Nyyssönen K, Poulsen HE, Kaikkonen J, Zunft HJ, Kiesewetter H, Gaddi A, de la Torre R, Mursu J, Bäumler H, Nascetti S, Salonen JT, Fitó M, Virtanen J, Marrugat J. 2006
65. Hydroxytyrosol and Potential Uses in Cardiovascular Diseases, Cancer, and AIDS. C Vilaplana-Pérez, D Auñón,2 L A. García-Flores, A Gil-Izquierdo. 2014
66. Tanshinone II-A inhibits low density lipoprotein oxidation in vitro. Niu XL, Ichimori K, Yang X, Hirota Y, Hoshiai K, Li M, Nakazawa H. 2000
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69. Treatment with rhubarb improves brachial artery endothelial function in patients with atherosclerosis : a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Liu YF, Yu HM, Zhang C, Yan FF, Liu Y, Zhang Y, Zhang M, Zhao YX. 2007
70. Curcumin effects on blood lipid profile in a 6-month human study. Baum L, Cheung SK, Mok VC, Lam LC, Leung VP, Hui E, Ng CC, Chow M, Ho PC, Lam S, Woo J, Chiu HF, Goggins W, Zee B, Wong A, Mok H, Cheng WK, Fong C, Lee JS, Chan MH, Szeto SS, Lui VW, Tsoh J, Kwok TC, Chan IH, Lam CW. 2007
71. Effect of different curcuminoid supplement dosages on total in vivo antioxidant capacity and cholesterol levels of healthy human subjects. Pungcharoenkul K1, Thongnopnua P. 2011
72. Effects of supplementation with curcuminoids on dyslipidemia in obese patients : a randomized crossover trial. Mohammadi A, Sahebkar A, Iranshahi M, Amini M, Khojasteh R, Ghayour-Mobarhan M, Ferns GA. 2013
73. Hypolipidemic and antioxidant effects of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) root and leaf on cholesterol-fed rabbits. Choi UK, Lee OH, Yim JH, Cho CW, Rhee YK, Lim SI, Kim YC. 2010
74. Effects of Zinc supplementation on serum lipids : a systematic review and meta-analysis. Priyanga Ranasinghe, WS Wathurapatha, MH Ishara, R. Jayawardana, P. Galappatthy, P. Katulanda and GR Constantine. 2015